How It Works

Favorites, Books, Shelves and Libraries

Think of it like having your favorite recipes tagged inside your personal cookbook ... which contains all the recipes you use ... and sits on a shelf with other family member's cookbooks, which have been marked with their hints, tips and stories collected over time ... and reside inside your own personal cookbook library.

Want to share a recipe with a friend? No problem! Just send them a link to the recipe.

Want to share your cookbook with your child, when they grow up and move out on their own? No problem! They can have access to all your recipes, and the all notes, stories and memories that go along with those recipes.

And the best part -- it doesn't matter if your tastes and theirs match up, because they can select their own set of favorites from your book, and establish their own collection of go-to recipes that they can use and share with their own family.
